My journey started with a single step but I have been walking this path for a lot longer. A lot had to happen before I said yes to walking a journey into discovering my faith. It was long and I …
Category: Mindset
Going from an introvert to an extrovert…
If you met my family you would have a hard time believing that I am more of an introvert. I was extremely shy as a child. I was the quiet good student who never rose her hand to answer a …
Wait, you’re not confident?
Confidence is a funny thing. When I tell people I struggle with confidence. They look at me like I’m a crazy person. I like to think I’m a pretty transparent person these days so for people who have known me …

Changes of Seasons
This is new to me… writing. Today I am feeling somewhat overwhelmed with what my day holds for me and this daily writing challenge while it’s important to me, it’s not a life or death kind of challenge. So I …

Being the bad friend…
I did a Facebook live on this awhile back but if I’m being honest, I was totally in the moment and don’t remember exactly what I said, but apparently it was good… (according to some of my friends) As a …

Tripping Up
When I was in gymnastics we had some really challenging tricks we did on every event. To most people the beam seemed the scariest. Doing flips on a 4 inch wide beam, 4 feet above the ground was the easiest …
Learning to Process Grief
If I were to be honest, as a non-parent, all I can do is guess. So have grace with me if you’re a parent and you do or dont do this. NO judgement here, just talking about myself out loud. …

Learning to Manage Disappointments
Lie is full of disappointments. That I can be sure of. But the ones that I think hurt the most are the ones that are a result of me not doing “enough”. Those suck. Those are the ones that make …

I’m a recovering addict…
So it’s not the kind of addict you may have thought when you clicked on this link… I don’t have any substance addictions, I’m not a big drinker and I have never smoked a joint or cigarette and I don’t …

Change is the only consistent thing in life…
Life is full of constant changes. I believe in this wholeheartedly. If we are not growing and evolving, we are dying. Think about it, a flower is never the same with each passing day. It is either growing towards bloom …