This past year has been incredibly challenging for me personally. I have experienced a tremendous loss all while finding unexplainable joy. For most of my life, I felt that marriage and parenthood was the ultimate goal. Life as easy as …
DIY Projects
If you know me, you know I like power tools. I have no idea where this comes from… I’m a woman. I couldn’t even tell you when this started but I do. I love the process of creating, planning then …
I’m really really good at this…
Remember the Disney movie, Up. Well if you haven’t watched it, it’s definietly a sweet love story but why I’m referencing that movie has nothing to do with love. It’s about the dog in themovie. Yup, the dog. Now I …
30 Days of Writing… again.
So when I went to bed last night, I had this novel idea… it’s a new month of 30 days so why not do a challenge. I’ve only done one other challenge and that was a push-up challenge leading up …
Learning to Process Grief
If I were to be honest, as a non-parent, all I can do is guess. So have grace with me if you’re a parent and you do or dont do this. NO judgement here, just talking about myself out loud. …
More about Food Labels
So as I was writing my last blog, the FDA announced an update to the now confusing Nutrition Facts labels. Sometimes I feel like it’s written in another language! You can read the press release here. As stated by First …
Learning to Manage Disappointments
Lie is full of disappointments. That I can be sure of. But the ones that I think hurt the most are the ones that are a result of me not doing “enough”. Those suck. Those are the ones that make …
I’m a recovering addict…
So it’s not the kind of addict you may have thought when you clicked on this link… I don’t have any substance addictions, I’m not a big drinker and I have never smoked a joint or cigarette and I don’t …
Change is the only consistent thing in life…
Life is full of constant changes. I believe in this wholeheartedly. If we are not growing and evolving, we are dying. Think about it, a flower is never the same with each passing day. It is either growing towards bloom …